Constituency & Stakeholder Research

What do your supporters really think of you?

The philanthropic marketplace is crowded and growing. To ensure a close connection and effective engagement, charities are driven to better understand the perceptions, needs, wants and expectations of their constituents.

Sound constituency research that produces actionable results requires significant discussion and planning. When considering consulting your stakeholders ask yourself: “What decision do I need to make? Who has the information I need?”

Answer those questions and you’ll make better choices about who to consult and how.

KMA provides services such as phone and face-to-face interviews, surveys and focus groups. We help you refine your questions, design the research and give back to you the data you need, with our interpretation and recommendations.


Surveys can quickly gather large quantity of information in non-intrusive, non-threatening manner.

  • Test assumptions, identify attitudes, and feelings
  • Document behaviour, choices and preferences
  • Identify differences between different groups of people


Interviews are valuable for more fully understanding someone’s views and experience.

  • Explore topics in greater depth
  • Tie motivations to actions
  • Identify underlying dynamics, issues, obstacles, challenges and misunderstandings
  • Explore funding dynamics in depth

Focus Groups

Focus groups explore well-defined questions in depth through group interaction.

  • Evaluate programs, scan your environment
  • Test your case for support
  • Test reaction to program change, new messaging, strategic directions
  • Limited help in predicting giving

What do you need to know from your stakeholders?