Capital Campaigns

A path to transformation


A successful capital campaign can transform the future of an organization, but is also one of the biggest challenges an organization will face.

What are the components of a successful campaign and do you have them in place?

Strong leadership

The quality of leadership, both staff and volunteer, is the single most important factor in campaign success.

KMA will help you recruit and train leadership, and coach people to success in your campaign.

Good prospects

You cannot succeed without access to prospects with sufficient means to make the gifts your campaign needs. But most campaigns do not have those prospects within reach at the outset. Part of campaign success is taking the time to build the prospect pool, and making sure they are ready to be solicited.

KMA will help you identify, cultivate and solicit donors, in a strategic and disciplined process.

A compelling case

Donors want to know more than what you will do with the money. They want to know why it matters, why they should care, and why you’re the right people for what needs to be done.

KMA will refine and amplify your case for support so that donors see the significance of their gift and its impact on people and the community.

Great execution

Without intelligent strategy and crisp, efficient and effective campaign management, time will slide by, costs will balloon, volunteers will burn out, donor opportunities will shrink, and you’ll lose momentum. KMA will help you devise effective strategy and management for your campaign including how it integrates into current fundraising.

KMA can serve as the lead strategist and key resource for every aspect of your campaign.

Planning and support customized for your campaign.